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Geo installs dedicated 1Gbit/s fibre connection to data centre

Geo installs dedicated 1Gbit/s fibre connection to data centre


Europe’s largest online dining community and restaurant booking service,, has hired bespoke dedicated fibre network provider, Geo Networks, to install a high-speed connection between its new London location and its data centre. was given three months to find a new premises and relocate its business as its original location lay on the proposed 2017 Crossrail route. The company found new premises in London’s Moorgate area, however there was no telecommunications infrastructure into the building.


After receiving a recommendation, appointed Geo to install a new 1Gbit/s fibre connection between its data centre and new headquarters. Dig teams worked solidly through weekends, coordinating efforts with third party suppliers to ensure the deadline of 60 days was met.


Andy Chakraborty, head of it and operations, said: “We went to tender to the major London players and were told that the minimum lead time was 90 to 120 days. Being without a networked office and missing a larger percentage of restaurant bookings for 60 days could have cost us over £1 million.”


Fast turnaround required


Geo delivered the network on time and Chakraborty added that there have been clear improvements to’s network. “We have run all of the standard tests which were phenomenal, with low latency and no packet loss. Using our old leased line backups could take up to a week to transfer, we are now seeing transfer times of under two hours. All this at a quarter of the cost of a 30Mbit/s shared fibre line from our previous supplier.”


Chris Smedley, Chief Executive of Geo, commented: “Our London fibre network is the only one which runs through the sewer system, which means it is protected from surface interference and operates without any disruption. We are able to capitalise on that by mobilising highly trained workforces to rapidly dig from our network and lay fibre into new customers’ premises. Our contract deal with showcases the speed with which we can deliver dedicated fibre connections, the rapid data transfer speeds and cost efficiency are just further testament to the benefits of having a dedicated connection.”