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IT decision-makers in Europe, Middle East and Africa see insufficient emphasis placed on it innovation within their business

IT decision-makers in Europe, Middle East and Africa see insufficient emphasis placed on it innovation within their business


Organisations across the regions of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) agree on the need to refocus IT budgets toward IT innovation in order to improve business performance, productivity and profitability, according to a new study conducted by SAP.


The study looked into IT spend priorities of nearly 500 senior IT decision-makers in eight countries across EMEA, and concluded that a key issue was the division of IT spend among three areas: operations, maintenance and innovation.


A third of companies said that their current IT strategy is too focused on “simply keeping the lights on” in the day-to-day running of existing IT systems. Overall, an alarming 60% of companies said that this IT strategy has held them back from investing in innovation.


Respondents indicated that they face a wide range of issues that currently prevent them from investing in IT innovation.


The most commonly cited reason was uncertainty about the economy, with 48% of respondents believing this was a barrier. In addition, 39% stated that too much money is spent on operations at the moment, therefore leaving a deficit in the budget that could otherwise be directed toward IT innovation. The detrimental effect was also viewed as impacting competitiveness, with 38% of respondents stating the current spend priorities harmed their competitive position.


Business affected by innovation famine


Lack of spend on IT innovation is also having a negative business impact according to the study, with 44% of respondents saying it directly resulted in lack of productivity. Four in ten (43%) also claim to have lost potential cost savings because of the spend deficit. Additionally, over half of the companies surveyed said they believe they would get greater business value if more was spent on IT innovation.


When asked how this lack of IT innovation investment would impact their company over the next three years, one-third of respondents claimed that this would result in lower revenue growth than their business needed, and 38% also said it would result in a failure to meet regulation and compliance demands.


“Our research has confirmed that companies continue to spend more of their IT budgets on operations than on IT innovation,” said Chris McClain, SAP Premier Customer Network senior vice president of EMEA and India. “SAP is working with many customers around the world to help them lower their TCO to apply resources toward the innovation that will give them the advantages to grow their businesses and achieve their strategic goals.”


Companies take control of IT ownership


Many companies are addressing total cost of ownership (TCO) to open the door for innovation, and SAP said the survey results are confirmed by businesses operating in every region. For US consumer goods manufacturer Procter & Gamble (P&G), reducing TCO and managing innovation is pivotal for the company and its customers. Having clarity with global processes and creating accelerators for a business with operations in more than 80 countries is essential for delivering on P&G’s business strategy, and it pursues very aggressive TCO targets as part of its overall strategy. For example, P&G uses the SAP Solution Manager application management solution to create a more controlled environment to manage multiple projects in parallel in different systems as part of an effort to reduce cost and risk while facilitating speed. With this approach, the company can translate business requirements into a technical solution, gaining better transparency in processes earlier.


“Today business is about speed and time to market, how to do things cheaper and more complete. Speed is a competitive advantage — IT needs to accelerate those aspects,” said Thomas Seibert, P&G Applications Management associate director. “Streamlining business processes with IT and enabling them with accelerators is essential for us. Think of it: if you can bring things to market faster, that’s when you’re making a difference.”