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More and more retail brands are getting in on the success of the social networking phenomenon, according to latest benchmark study

More and more retail brands are getting in on the success of the social networking phenomenon, according to latest benchmark study


The popularity and uptake of retail brands on social networking sites shows no signs of slowing down with the majority retailers more than doubling their following on various social media platforms over the past six months.


New research from leading market research specialists, eDigitalResearch found that Facebook remains the most popular site for retailers to connect with online users, with Topshop now actively engaged with well over 1 million customers via the site.


Fashion leads the way


Assessing 72 of the UK’s leading retail brands with its Social Media Benchmark, eDigitalResearch found that fashion retailers still have a significantly stronger presence across all social media platforms than other retail sectors. Looking at Facebook pages alone, established High Street favourites Topshop and River Island maintained their leading positions taking the top two places, with New Look, Next and Amazon completing the top five.


When looking at Twitter the study found that Topshop again claimed the top spot again, while companies across other retail sectors made significant improvements. So-called pureplay ‘e-tailers’ ASOS and Amazon have taken significant advantage of their online customer base to come second and third, investing heavily in the platform with numerous branded pages dedicated to various aspects of the business, including customer service.


Derek Eccleston, research director at eDigitalResearch, commented: “Given the increase in online and mobile activity over recent months, it’s no surprise that the popularity of social media sites has increased.


Monitoring is essential


“Our research clearly shows that consumers are increasingly using the platforms to communicate issues and ideas to retailers, and with ASOS set to open Europe’s first Facebook store, it is vital that brands have a strong presence on these sites. What retailers need to ensure, however, is that they are making the most of these loyal and dedicated online users to gain feedback, insight and create brand advocates with an innovative and effective social media strategy, which is constantly monitored.”


Encouragingly, the study also found several retailers who had no social media presence in the last study have now have established Facebook or Twitter campaigns. Supermarket Sainsbury’s has rapidly increased its following on both sites, with an innovative and effective social media campaign, providing industry best practice for others to follow suit. Fostering interaction with recipe ideas and exclusive content, the grocery store also actively invites users to give feedback through discussions and quick polls, gaining insight and understanding the wants and needs of their online customer.


Worryingly some retailers still have limited or no presence on social media sites. The study found the majority of fashion retailers aimed at an older demographic or home and leisure brands all scored particularly low. The challenge for these brands going forward will be to find engaging content that will encourage their core target market to actively log on and get involved.