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Online lingerie retailer consolidates affiliate marketing programmes to boost online performance

BeCheeky.com_homepageOnline lingerie retailer consolidates affiliate marketing programmes to boost online performance


BeCheeky is a UK-based lingerie and swimwear retailer offering products from more than 70 brands.


Stepping into 2011, five months since the consolidation of the BeCheeky affiliate programme from Linkshare to Affiliate Window, the exclusive relationship has delivered a distinct increase in overall performance and a new recruitment strategy geared towards attracting content fashion sites that add value to the programme.


BeCheeky first launched an affiliate programme with Linkshare in August 2009, hoping to gain access to a variety of new affiliate partners in an effort to engage a larger share of online shoppers. It soon became evident that this objective was not being met, leading to the dissolution of their contract with Linkshare, and the formation of an exclusive relationship with Affiliate Window.


Consolidating strategic execution


Since consolidating, the programme has gone from strength to strength, demonstrated by a 45% increase in volume through the performance channel. Affiliates have proven to be an essential component to the success of BeCheeky’s overall marketing strategy, accounting for 23% of their total sales in 2010.


Following a successful migration campaign, consisting of increased commissions and discount codes, BeCheeky brought with it an exciting array of seasonal gift finder widgets teamed with a newly rebranded logo.


It employed an aggressive Christmas strategy, including exclusive and bespoke codes, tiered commission increases for top performers as well as a competition to win £150. This consisted of a prize entry for every inclusion in a newsletter or homepage placement, with an additional bonus incentive for the overall top performer in the month of December. Its vintage-inspired control wear for the party season was a big hit, as was its glowing Christmas gift range, resulting in a 47% increase in confirmed affiliate sales revenue in December 2010 compared with the year before.


Justine Wyness, managing director at BeCheeky, commented: “The support and service we have received from Affiliate Window has been instrumental in reviving our affiliate programme and re-building sales lost from changing networks. The ROI [return on investment] achieved from the channel has substantially increased from previous networks we have worked with. The easy-to-use technology and clear reporting suite offered by Affiliate Window reduces the levels of administrative tasks and allows us to communicate more effectively and strengthen relationships with our affiliate partners.”


Performance exceeds expectations


When calculating the success of the programme migration, combined with their tactical campaigns, year-on-year performance figures clearly outline how beneficial these modifications have been.


Looking at the data from 2009 to 2010, the total number of sales for the BeCheeky affiliate programme increased by a substantial 45%. The programme also saw a 29% uplift in the number of approved transactions with a 14% rise in sales revenue and a 16% increase in confirmed commissions paid to affiliates.


This was no doubt aided by the additional 254 publisher memberships secured since the migration; BeCheeky has seen a 30% increase in the number of affiliates on the programme including a variety of fashion and beauty content based affiliates such as Fashion Web and Woman’s Health Vibe.


The results achieved demonstrate the positive impact that the efficient day-to-day running of a programme can have; including the enhancement of affiliate relationships. With the support of these newly formed partnerships, and the continuous nurturing of existing relationships, BeCheeky look to enter 2011 with a strong start.