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The next Total Supply Chain Summit takes place on the 21-22 May 2012, at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole.   The change of venue is proving a popular choice; with over half of the supplier attendees from this year’s event have re-booked their place already.  

The next Total Supply Chain Summit takes place on the 21-22 May 2012, at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole.


The change of venue is proving a popular choice; with over half of the supplier attendees from this year’s event have re-booked their place already.


Other exciting changes for 2012 include the introduction of a ‘3 in 1’ Summit, with the total supply chain being broken down into three sectors, Warehousing,; Supply chain management & planning; and Transport, distribution & logistics. This will give the delegates a much wider but more defined choice of services and supplier companies to meet with, and also save weeks of supplier sourcing for delegates whose role covers all 3 sectors.


For suppliers, this new format will offer a much wider and more targeted delegate audience, with delegate numbers increasing from 70 to 120, plus the new venue offers the space for suppliers to display any new products or the latest technology within the demonstration lounge.


Trade associations and supporters of the new format include UKWA, CILT, FTA, BFFA, WIL (UK) & RFG.