COOP Denmark launches mobile payments
By Retail Technology | Tuesday September 6 2016
Danish grocery chain COOP is rolling out mobile electronic payments across its entire chain
The company piloted the payments in its Kvickly and SuperBrugsen stores in May this year.
The software behind the app is Omnico's omniENGAGE and omniBASKET solutions which enable point-of-sale integration, customer bonus point calculations and targeted promotional activity.
"Initially the brand advised a rollout to all stores from 2017, but due to the success of the pilot to date and our strong working-relationship with COOP, we have successfully rolled out the software to go live as of the 1st October 2016," said Mel Taylor, CEO of Omnico.
COOP's mobile app allows customers to scan items into their basket, then seamlessly pay at the till, using Omnico's omniBASKET software, via their device which is linked directly to the customer's dividend, bonus wallet or credit / debit card.
A new extension to the COOP built app from the initial pilot is the integration with the brands loyalty scheme, through the omniENGAGE software, with targeted promotions delivered straight to the customer via the app. Further enhancing the customer engagement, additional bonus points are also calculated based on their purchases. Previously customers had to wait until month-end or each quarter to receive the bonus, but through the use of omniENGAGE calculations are made in near real-time enabling customers to buy more immediately.
Bjorn Langhorn Lundt, head of procurement for COOP Denmark, added: "We have worked with Omnico for a long time on our various schemes and wanted to enhance this offering with the latest in mobile payment technology.”