Consumers still frustrated by online shopping
By Retail Technology | Thursday September 14 2017
A new survey has revealed that 71% of consumers are still frustrated by online shopping – compared to 73% of bricks-and-mortar shoppers
The fourth Omnico Retail Gap Barometer surveyed 1,215 UK consumers and found that 72% of consumers feel that UK retail still needs more speed and
Frustration has fallen over the course of the year however as the first Retail Gap Barometer found the overall retail experience left 79% of consumers dissatisfied in one way or another.
Last year, in-store shopping caused vexation to 81% of consumers and buying online left 77% frustrated.
“Despite the very welcome 7% decline in frustration-levels between our new Retail Gap Barometer and the first a year ago, the overall picture is actually more mixed, with UK retail getting worse at meeting many of the requirements of busy UK consumers,” said Mel Taylor, CEO, Omnico Group.
“There are for example, worrying declines between the first and fourth
Barometers in the amount of people reporting they had received a good or outstanding experience in click-and-collect, or across online and in-store. Consumers are still finding significant disappointment in the various ways
in which they interact with retailers – a problem that must be addressed.”
44% of shoppers gave a good or outstanding rating to click-and-collect in the new Barometer, compared with 57% a year ago.
The percentage of those saying the ability of retailers to give them a
seamless experience online and in-store that was good or outstanding fell from 62% to 51%.
The research also reveals differences in attitudes between the two sexes, with levels of frustration with in-store shopping among men falling by 12% over the year, to 68%, compared with a 6% fall among women (to 75%).
“Our research shows where retailers need to make investment,” added
Taylor. “It’s obvious that while there have been improvements, retailers need solutions that bring all their channels together to boost joined-up performance so that frustration levels keep on falling and profits head in the opposite direction.”
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