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Ikea content with success

By Retail Technology | Thursday July 29 2021 | UPDATED 29.07.21

Swedish homewares and furniture retailer Ikea has recorded significant success by enhancing personalisation with recommended content

In an extended partnership with Google Cloud, Ikea has taken a scientific approach to infusing the customer journey with recommended content.

Using AI-powered Recommendations, which now make up most of the retailer’s site, Ikea has seen tangible results including an increase in the number of relevant recommendations displayed on a page by 400%; growth of global average order value of 2% with more personalised and real-time recommendations; and a 30% improvement in overall click through rates by improving product discovery.

Albert Bertlisson, head of engineering - Edge at Ikea Retail, said: “We see a lot of value in having a large toolbox of possible options and a team with a relentless focus on collaboration to improve the customer experience. We’re working directly with the Recommendations AI team and experimenting with several new features that we’re excited about.”



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