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Introduction of eConceptTest to help businesses find the right product for the right people more efficiently

Introduction of eConceptTest to help businesses find the right product for the right people more efficiently


Online market research firm, eDigitalResearch has launched eConeptTest, a new blend of research methodologies designed to help marketers to test and examine their latest idea, service or product on the general public.


The service draws upon eDigitalResearch’s existing research tools including online panels, netchats and mini communities, to give clients the insight and understanding to make crucial business decisions.


The firm said eConceptTest provides a “multi-dimensional blend of qualitative and quantitative insight tools,” to provide marketers access to opinions, emotional responses and rational thinking to create strong proposals for new features or services. It added that it is ideal for evaluating most innovations and ideas in most consumer markets, including those difficult to reach places, with the help of eDigitalResearch’s ‘smart sourcing’ capabilities.


Maximising specialist knowledge access


Traditionally, marketers used small and confined focus groups or hall tests to gain any valuable consumer reaction and feedback before sending a product to market. The new eConceptTest eliminates the narrow and restrictive nature of these methods, providing broader, more concrete and cost-effective responses from a ‘smart sourced’ pool of specifically elected and creative innovators, who can assist with concept co-creation, according to the firm


Leading energy and gas supplier, E.ON UK, has recently used eConceptTest to help gauge customers thought and opinions on their solar power packages. Employing a distinctive mix of online surveys, mini communities and off-line focus groups, E.ON has been able to determine which packages would be most successful in the market place.


Ben Bradshaw, responsible for brand effectiveness and market research at E.ON, commented: “We needed a proven, cost-effective method for screening and optimising our concepts before we go to market. eDigitalResearch provides us with this.”


Harnessing the social media dimension


It added that businesses can also tap into the latest popular social media platforms to help initiate and innovate their products or offerings by involving customers from the offset in the development stage, right through to introducing the product to market. Involving customers in a combination of online and interactive discussions encourages active participation and allows marketers to get to the heart of what people really think and supplying a more round view.


Derek Eccleston, research director at eDigitalResearch, commented: “Concept testing no longer needs to be long, laborious and one dimensional. The dramatic rise of social media means that consumers are comfortable communicating via the online medium and we have subsequently built up a broad range of research tools, which taps into this. The speed and flexibility we offer means that businesses can make quick decisions with greater confidence about whether they move a concept forward.”