Articles tagged #ADAPT
Found 5 matching articles.
Are retailers prepared for the age of the individual?
Published 29.05.13 by Retail Technology
Given the unprecedented pace of change in the global marketplace, retail IT expert Sarah Taylor discusses how retailers need to adapt to individual customer demands to survive
Bensons for Beds owner outsources IT
Published 15.10.13 by Retail Technology
Steinhoff takes on managed service for critical IT infrastructure to ensure its UK retail businesses can manage peak and troughs in demand as well as business change#Moble
Retailers fail to optimise for mobile
Published 25.11.13 by Retail Technology
Online audit finds 92% of retailers are missing out on a key opportunity to enhance the consumer purchase journey by failing to optimise emails to fit mobile devices #Urban Decay
Improved online product discovery at Urban Decay
Published 25.07.14 by Retail Technology
The L’Oreal cosmetics brand is matching shoppers and products more precisely on its website with the help of merchandising data#Nike
Nike makes Back to the Future shoe a reality
Published 23.09.16 by Retail Technology
Sportswear giant Nike will release a self-lacing shoe in select US stores in November