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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #BIRMINGHAM

Found 4 matching articles.

#Birmingham City FC

Local payment app sponsors Birmingham City FC

Published 18.06.14 by Retail Technology
Birmingham City football club has chosen a local payment app creator as its principal partner for the next two years
#Tinseltown Diners

Tinseltown Diners sets the mood

Published 02.09.14 by Retail Technology
The diner chain is using in-store sound and vision technology to further express the brand’s personality at venues across the UK

IRX 2023: Convergence and omnichannel profitability

Published 17.05.23 by Miya Knights, Publisher
As the ecommerce sector gears up for its premier UK technology show, attendees must focus on both tactical and strategic trends and developments, writes Miya Knights, Retail Technology Publisher

IRX 2024: Working cheaper, faster and smarter

Published 10.05.24 by Miya Knights, Publisher
While AI will be a hot topic at the UK tech show, it also indicates an appetite for innovation that will shape the future of ecommerce, writes Miya Knights, Retail Technology magazine publisher