Articles tagged #CHANGE
Found 6 matching articles.
Paperchase adds data exchange services
Published 25.02.13 by Retail Technology
Deal to provide communications link between international design-led stationery chain and its branch network extends longstanding IT supplier relationship#GS1
GS1 UK unveils consumer-centric 2013 event
Published 12.04.13 by Retail Technology
Annual supply chain retail conference and exhibition is this year sponsored by Commerce Connections, Data Interchange, Lansa, Wesupply and Zebra#Retail
Are retailers prepared for the age of the individual?
Published 29.05.13 by Retail Technology
Given the unprecedented pace of change in the global marketplace, retail IT expert Sarah Taylor discusses how retailers need to adapt to individual customer demands to survive
Business change driving ERP costs sky high
Published 09.07.13 by Retail Technology
Survey finds ERP software change issues related to business events are not resolved by more recently developed systems#Survey
Retail still suffering ERP project pain
Published 16.12.13 by Retail Technology
Survey of IT decision-makers lack of clarity over systems and costs, leading UK retail businesses to call for greater transparency as only 15% of projects come in on budget#DECTA
Interchange++ (IC++) pricing model - would it fit your business?
Published 04.09.20 by Retail Technology
Interchange++ is a type of pricing model which is most commonly used in Europe and the United States. This pricing model provides full transparency compared to other pricing types and as a result, offers a lower overall fee for Merchant or Payment Service Provider (PSP), writes DECTA