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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #COMMERCE

Found 678 matching articles. Showing page 4 of 57.


ACHICA selects operational fulfilment partner

Published 18.05.10 by Retail Technology
Exclusive online private members store partners with GSI to pick, pack and dispatch luxury products

Innovate or die: cautionary retail tales

Published 28.05.13 by Retail Technology
Retail ICT industry watcher Adam Simon highlights recent retail business mistakes from across Europe, discussing what lessons can be learned

Research reveals why e-baskets get abandoned

Published 06.06.13 by Retail Technology
A study of e-retail data shows checkout complexity and lack of security credentials lead to high basket abandonment for online retailers
#Supply chain

Supply chains fit for e-commerce growth

Published 31.05.13 by Retail Technology
The rise of multichannel selling is also placing new demands on retail supply chains, according to supply chain specialist Markus Schmücker
#Cath Kidston

Cath Kidston signs up for new web platform

Published 30.05.13 by Retail Technology
Six-way contest puts BT ahead of competition as UK homeware, clothing, accessories and outdoor products retailer scales IT investment to match growth

STUDY: SockShop enhances online experience

Published 31.05.13 by Retail Technology
Dynamic user-journey monitoring improves speed and overall online journey to boost sales and multichannel offering for the specialist retailer of socks and hosiery
#High Street

High Street continues to lose online battle

Published 29.05.13 by Retail Technology
New report predicts that the UK retail landscape will continue to change as online sales grow at the expense of High Street stores and jobs across large and midsized retailers
# Hybris

E-commerce partners add competitive edge

Published 29.05.13 by Retail Technology
Independent study finds retailers and manufacturers becoming increasingly reliant on e-commerce technology providers to deliver a strategic advantage
#High Street

From the High Street to high tweets

Published 07.06.13 by Retail Technology
Retail veteran and one of Mary Portas' pilot mentors, Simon Baldwin argues that shopping centres are failing to cater for, adapt to and capitalise on m-commerce growth

Gambling industry bets on mobile

Published 04.06.13 by Retail Technology
M-commerce is having as profound an impact on the gaming industry as it is having on retail, while also promising to offer completely new opportunities
#La Redoute

La Redoute expands e-marketplace

Published 07.06.13 by Retail Technology
French fashion and home e-retailer expands and scales its online operations with the launch of a new version of its marketplace

Mobile accounts for one in five e-retail sales

Published 04.06.13 by Retail Technology
Latest m-commerce sales index finds that the popularity of mobile devices translated to increased online traffic and sales through Q1