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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #COMMERCE

Found 677 matching articles. Showing page 9 of 57.


Google launches new version of Wallet app

Published 17.09.13 by Retail Technology
Banking on apps integration to grow m-commerce ecosystem with loyalty programme and cards integration via Android operating system and with existing e-commerce sites

Google trademark policy coming to UK

Published 28.09.10 by Retail Technology
A search and social marketing consulting and technology specialist is warning that the internet giant’s new policy will severely impact UK businesses online

Research quantifies threat of ‘showrooming’

Published 17.09.13 by Retail Technology
Latest results reveal trend, where 10% of shoppers admit to buying from competitors online when in another retailer’s store

ACHICA optimises customer experience

Published 10.09.13 by Retail Technology
Web optimisation tools helps members-only luxury lifestyle store secure 3.22% increase in conversions by offering PayPal

The online fashion 'boomerang effect’

Published 12.09.13 by Retail Technology
E-commerce expert Heikki Haldre explores why more clothes sold online become victim to returns compared to instore sales
#Majestic Wine

Majestic Wine revamps website

Published 11.09.13 by Retail Technology
Multichannel wine merchant embraces m-commerce and local merchandising capabilities with website relaunch

B2B companies struggle to deliver B2C e-commerce

Published 19.09.13 by Retail Technology
Half of B2B organisations surveyed say it is difficult to provide intuitive and user-friendly interfaces as multiple factors driving change adds complexity

Pinko launches hybrid shop

Published 10.10.13 by Retail Technology
A brand’s attention to the pace and demands of contemporary life presents an integrated view of design and retail with the launch of a new formula boutique

Will cash play a role in the store of the future?

Published 08.10.13 by Retail Technology
As more and more consumers ditch cash in favour of plastic and even mobile payments, industry expert Chris Davies discusses the future of retail payments in response to's homepage poll speeds up market expansion

Published 07.10.13 by Retail Technology
South Africa’s largest online retailer will use hybris to extend its e-commerce and multichannel services into South Africa and beyond

Poor stock management costing £1bn in sales

Published 08.10.13 by Retail Technology
A new study has found High Street retailers losing almost £1 billion in sales every month due to poor stock management

Republic selects Venda to re-dress for success

Published 16.10.10 by Retail Technology
Fashion retail giant launches revamped website to handle surge in online sales