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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #EE

Found 263 matching articles. Showing page 5 of 22.

#High Street

Independent retailers fight back online

Published 28.10.13 by Retail Technology
New e-commerce network formed by High Street retail coalition is aiming to enable the UK’s independent retailers to fight for their share of online shopping market
#De Beers

De Beers launches instore iPad service

Published 29.10.13 by Retail Technology
Luxury diamond retail brand introduces new customer-facing technology to improve customer service and deliver highly personalised shopping experiences instore

Swogo gets retailers’ attention

Published 27.03.13 by Retail Technology
Laptop and product recommendation engine start-up wins crowd-sourced funding, European accelerator support and retail interest
#Whittard of Chelsea

Whittard develops online personalisation

Published 29.10.13 by Retail Technology
Personalised user experience seen as essential part of strategy to increase online revenue and conversion for international retailer, Whittard of Chelsea

Tesco petrol stations get digital signage

Published 29.10.13 by Retail Technology
Deal to introduce digital technology to UK petrol station network of supermarket giant will reach audience of 5m and enable real-time audience measurement
#High Street

REPORT: Consumers voice view on store tech

Published 01.11.13 by Retail Technology
New research outlines consumer wish list for future of the UK High Street, revealing opportunities for small and independent retailers, including technology expectations

Future Retail View: Driving sustainable change

Published 09.03.23 by Miya Knights, Publisher
Retail Technology reveals the latest ethical trends and tech, as discussed by former and current Bamboo Clothing, Land’s End, Marks & Spencer, Orlebar Brown and PANGAIA executives

Exploiting interactive touch instore

Published 07.11.13 by Retail Technology
Retail technology consultant Dharmendra Patel discusses how retailers can create an engaging store experience using interactive touch technology

Grillshack launch pioneers MPoS app

Published 04.11.13 by Retail Technology
London’s new grill restaurant collaborates with developer to launch with mobile ordering and payment app, giving customers control of orders and payment

RFID solves Vente-privee’s tracking needs

Published 05.11.13 by Retail Technology
Flash sales online retailer selects versatility, speed and efficiency of wireless tracking technology offers tracking solution for increasingly complex sales circuit
#High Street

Time-of-day marketing could boost High Street

Published 07.11.13 by Retail Technology
New strategy could help revitalise the UK High Street’s flagging fortunes by reintroducing personal customer service for shoppers in High Street stores

Thomson debuts ‘Next Generation Store’

Published 06.11.13 by Retail Technology
Design agency collaboration aims to deliver “truly connected retail experience” with leisure travel company’s launch of first concept store in Bluewater