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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #EPOS

Found 119 matching articles. Showing page 6 of 10.

#Grosvenor Shirts

Grosvenor Shirts updates retail IT management

Published 08.04.14 by Retail Technology
Outfitters to HRH Queen Elizabeth II purchases new head office and EPoS software to expand the business and develop its high value own label brand
#St Pancras Chambers Collection

New London retail venture specs retail IT

Published 14.04.14 by Retail Technology
St Pancras Chambers Collection selects management software supports the launch of at London’s iconic railway terminus, St Pancras International

Brambles upgrades POS

Published 03.04.17 by Retail Technology
Irish café group Brambles has rolled out new point-of-sale (POS) hardware in its 24 outlets
#Retail Technology magazine

Gio-Goi chooses IT for fashion fast track

Published 24.06.11 by Retail Technology
Gio-Goi, the British young fashion brand sold and distributed in the UK and Europe, has selected a complete retail solution from K3 Retail, a UK provider of retail solutions based on Microsoft technology, to drive its business

UK retailers plan PoS ad spend

Published 14.03.13 by Retail Technology
Survey reveals UK retailers plan increased investment in targeted advertising campaigns to fight competition, broaden market share and drive sales in their stores
#Brazil 2014

UK EPoS supports 2014 World Cup merchandise sales

Published 23.06.14 by Retail Technology
Touchscreen Electronic Point-of-Sale (EPoS) manufacturer Bleep UK is supplying over 500 terminals to merchandise retailers in Brazil
#Café Gerbeaud

Case study: Hungarian café rolls out electronic payment

Published 04.07.14 by Retail Technology
Historic Café Gerbeaud’s new payment infrastructure offers lower commission fees and Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)
#Retail Technology magazine

Ringing the changes at the till

Published 19.08.11 by Retail Technology
In an age where retailers must manage multiple points of interaction with the customer, one electronic point-of-sale (EPoS) provider is questioning the approach of traditional till estate management models

CASE STUDY: Republic overhauls PoS

Published 25.08.11 by Retail Technology
Retailer updates point-of-sale systems to support ambitious expansion plans by speeding customer service and mobilising staff instore

Arcadia builds on EPoS roll out

Published 14.03.14 by Retail Technology
The Winter 2014 issue of Retail Technology magazine spoke exclusively to the IT director and business systems manager of UK-based fashion empire Arcadia Group about overhauling its entire electronic point-of-sale (EPoS) estate across its eight brands

Check out: retail in the fast lane

Published 14.03.14 by Retail Technology
Retail payments are transforming rapidly with the development of contactless, NFC, mobile wallet and cash management system technologies growing in popularity, prompted by faster transaction speeds and increased customer loyalty options. But real challenges to widespread adoption remain, writes Leo King
#Fat Face

Fat Face slashes call costs

Published 30.08.11 by Retail Technology
Vodat International telephony services rationalise retailer’s call costs as part of contract extension