Articles tagged #FORRESTER
Found 6 matching articles.
Industry digests SAP hybris acquisition
Published 11.06.13 by Retail Technology
ERP giant will take aim at IBM, Oracle and other management suites if it can effectively assimilate its new e-commerce buy#Webb-Morgan
Store retailers drive customer experience focus
Published 16.04.13 by Retail Technology
Business blogger, Megan Webb-Morgan argues the importance of technology in helping retail brands focus on customer experience as a differentiator# Hybris
E-commerce partners add competitive edge
Published 29.05.13 by Retail Technology
Independent study finds retailers and manufacturers becoming increasingly reliant on e-commerce technology providers to deliver a strategic advantage
#Red Ant
Going beyond ‘omnichannel’
Published 23.07.13 by Retail Technology
Digital marketing expert Dan Mortimer argues that retail needs business convergence and employee empowerment to deliver a compelling customer experience#NRF
NRF 2014: Tech tackles omnichannel
Published 28.01.14 by Retail Technology
A strong turnout for the annual US retail IT event suggests increasing demand for IT to support more complex processes that span across customer-facing channels, writes Miya Knights#Retail technology
The customer comes first
Published 20.02.18 by Retail Technology
While 2018 is gearing up to be THE year of technology in retail, Stuart Parker, category director for Retail Marketing, urges retailers not to forget the customer experience