Articles tagged #GPS
Found 5 matching articles.
Top 10 mobile technologies to watch
Published 26.03.10 by Retail Technology
Gartner outlines future wireless trends and predicts investments in mobile applications are set to increase during the next two years#Pret A Manger
Pret A Manger translates brand experience to mobile
Published 26.06.13 by Retail Technology
New mobile site delivers distinctive contextual experience based on device, geolocation and time of day#Security
Funding fights rise of mobile app attacks
Published 26.02.14 by Retail Technology
New government funding aims to boost research into malicious apps that can infect users’ smartphones and target personal information and bank accounts#Beacon
South Coast shopping centre adopts beacon tech
Published 18.03.14 by Retail Technology
Beacon technology introduced by Eastleigh's Swan Centre to deliver targeted promotions to instore customers and narrow gap between 'clicks and bricks'#Beacon
Consumers receptive to beacon technology
Published 24.04.14 by Retail Technology
A new survey has found more mobile consumers would be willing to receive retailer messages via beacon technology than retailers may have first thought