Articles tagged #LABELLING
Found 5 matching articles.
Dolittles saves with advanced signage
Published 15.02.11 by Retail Technology
New instore communications management is to save Northern retail specialist time and money#Dolittles
Dolittles revamps instore customer comms
Published 18.10.13 by Retail Technology
Adoption of enterprise store signage system streamlines customer communications, allowing pet and aquatic superstore to react quickly to price and product changes#Nisa
Nisa installs electronic shelf-edge labels
Published 08.08.12 by Retail Technology
First UK convenience store to take on Herbert Retail's instore technology#Dixons
Dixons deploys electronic shelf labels
Published 15.11.13 by Retail Technology
Electrical retailer tests the water with new shelf-edge technology to dynamically control pricing and product information for customers at the point of purchase#Clarks
Clarks US upgrades in-store processes
Published 26.07.22 by Retail Technology
Global footwear retailer Clarks US has selected a new partner to aid its store processes in the region