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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #MOBILE

Found 311 matching articles. Showing page 21 of 26.


REPORT: ‘Showrooming’ trend on the rise

Published 15.11.13 by Retail Technology
New study into UK shopping habits in the digital age reveals more consumers than ever are using their smartphones to browse while in High Street stores

KFC adds free Wi-Fi

Published 11.03.13 by Retail Technology
Fast food chain partners with The Cloud to boost dining experience by letting customers browse the web for free

Monsoon launches retail loyalty app

Published 01.10.12 by Retail Technology
Fashion retailer extends customer rewards scheme onto mobile platform with Ikano

M-commerce speeds Xmas sales risk

Published 20.11.13 by Retail Technology
Benchmark data ranking UK retailers’ online and mobile storefronts against the national average finds emerging m-commerce conversion rates could be at jeopardy

E-retail mobile traffic and sales boom

Published 19.11.13 by Retail Technology
Benchmark figures detailing traffic to UK retail websites in the run up to Christmas find growth unabated but the role of the retail website is changing

Schuh joins retail Wi-Fi revolution

Published 21.05.13 by Retail Technology
Multichannel footwear retailer partners with wireless operator to provide free Wi-Fi and maximise engagement with tech-savvy customers
#Thomas Pink

Thomas Pink turns to Simply Tap

Published 12.10.12 by Retail Technology
Mobile Money Network to aid launch of exclusive British & Irish Lions tour range by 2013 official outfitter

Mobile engagement helps retail overcome survey fatigue

Published 11.04.14 by Retail Technology
Mobile customer engagement expert Tony Busa questions why up to 80% of shoppers walk out of stores without making a purchase? Equally important, he asks how do you convert them?
#Retail Technology magazine

The real cost of money in retail

Published 29.10.12 by Retail Technology
The taking, counting, securing, processing and transmitting of money as cash and electronic payments is as vital as ever to any consumer-facing business
#House of Fraser

STUDY: House of Fraser develops multichannel

Published 01.11.12 by Retail Technology
Driving sales growth with improved multichannel offering after major investment programme

Google moots search results change

Published 23.11.12 by Retail Technology
News that the search giant is mulling a major change in the way it displays search results means retailers must diversify to stay on page one, according to expert Alex Wares
#Mega Monday

Mega Monday goes mobile and social

Published 04.12.12 by Retail Technology
The busiest online shopping day of the year underlines consumer trends towards emerging channels