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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #OS

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E-retailers ignore false ‘lost goods’ claims

Published 22.04.13 by Retail Technology
New research finds most online retailers see fraud associated with ‘goods lost in transit’ as threat but don’t have strategy to deal with problem

Fighting coupon mis-redemption

Published 23.04.13 by Retail Technology
Brendan McKeown, voucher and coupon data management and financial clearing technology expert, highlights the benefits to retailers of adopting e-clearing

Torex improves Costa business processes

Published 11.04.10 by Retail Technology
Dynamics Nav selected for Costa Coffee’s international management requirements

Retail remains big cyber-crime target

Published 25.04.13 by Retail Technology
Latest global data breach research suggests both small and large retail and hospitality operators could do still more to strengthen defences against loss and privacy infringements

Scoffs selects IBS EPoS systems

Published 26.04.13 by Retail Technology
Hospitality point-of-sale solution with ability to accommodate multiple sites is chosen for anticipated brand regional roll out

Locating a strategic advantage in retail

Published 30.04.13 by Retail Technology
Location is playing an increasingly valuable role when analysing data, according to analytics strategist Graham Wallace, helping retailers like The Co-operative and Argos gain competitive advantage

SURVEY: 21% of retailers’ deliveries fail

Published 29.04.13 by Retail Technology
Industry poll reveals each delivery or appointment failure costs £151, while 43% say ‘lack of notification about delays’ are a problem

STUDY: Restaurant fuses flavours with Android EPoS

Published 02.05.13 by Retail Technology
The Courtesan Dim Sum Bar, which recently opened to rave reviews, has gained flexible control over its diverse food and drinks menu using the latest till technology
#Eye tracking

Should retailers make use of eye-tracking technology?

Published 01.05.13 by Retail Technology
In the next of our series of ‘Ask the Expert’ columns, eye-tracking technology expert, Simon Griffin, argues those not looking at its potential benefits might be missing a trick

Marie-Chantal puts faith in the cloud

Published 02.05.13 by Retail Technology
Exclusive children’s wear retailer invests in cloud-based retail management systems to support website sales and its international stores

Industry urged to plan for multichannel

Published 30.04.13 by Retail Technology
Increased mobility and multichannel shopping raises the stakes in retail today, say top retail executives at TXT Thinking Retail! event

Jumbo selects Sysrepublic to secure stores

Published 09.05.13 by Retail Technology
Netherlands supermarket chain chooses loss prevention system to minimise losses across recently expanded supermarket and convenience store estate