Articles tagged #SAS
Found 8 matching articles.
Asda launches self-scanning instore app
Published 14.05.13 by Retail Technology
Smartphone application enables customers to use own device to scan as they shop and also check out, saving time and generating valuable data for the supermarket retailer#Jeroboams
Jeroboams Group backs up to the cloud
Published 27.06.13 by Retail Technology
Wine and whisky merchant extends investment with a combination of on-premise and cloud-based backup and disaster recovery#Tesco
UK consumers sign up to customer loyalty
Published 25.09.13 by Retail Technology
When it comes to customer loyalty programmes, UK consumers sign up as research finds Tesco, Boots, M&S and Sainsbury’s gain real consumer engagement through their programmes#Steinhoff
Bensons for Beds owner outsources IT
Published 15.10.13 by Retail Technology
Steinhoff takes on managed service for critical IT infrastructure to ensure its UK retail businesses can manage peak and troughs in demand as well as business change#Evans Cycles
Evans Cycles manages IT service savings
Published 18.11.13 by Retail Technology
The UK’s largest cycle retailer has made availability and resilience gains as well as costs savings by moving its IT infrastructure over to new managed IT services#Travis Perkins
Travis Perkins builds with analytics
Published 18.07.17 by Retail Technology
Builders merchant chain Travis Perkins is meeting customer demand better with new analytics software#Shop Direct
Shop Direct builds on loyalty
Published 03.04.18 by Retail Technology
Online pure-play retailer Shop Direct is doubling down on customer engagement and loyalty with a new tech partnership#CX
Taking a human-centric approach to customer experience
Published 03.10.23 by Retail Technology
With focus driven away from the high street during the COVID-19 pandemic, and economic pressures forcing consumers to reconsider their spending-habits, retailers have found brand loyalty to be steadily decreasing over recent years, writes Nikki Flavell, retail client director for SAS UK & Ireland