Articles tagged #SECURE
Found 9 matching articles.
Ocado deal updates payment security
Published 19.04.13 by Retail Technology
Online grocery retailer uses DataCash tokenisation technology to provide improved customer experience and power secure online payments#SecureTrading
Reaping the benefits of online gift vouchers
Published 24.05.13 by Retail Technology
Online payments expert Justin Fraser says online retailers like La Tasca should learn from their offline competition by offering gift vouchers, but also warns to beware the security pitfalls#3D Secure
REPORT: UK leads on 3D Secure optimisation
Published 10.01.14 by Retail Technology
Analysis reveals worldwide impact of 3D Secure on transaction conversion rates and how authentication technology can be used to increase revenue#Bakers Toolkit
Bakers Toolkit appoints payments processor
Published 28.02.14 by Retail Technology
New baking venture of Apprentice contestant Luisa Zissman manages online customer transactions securely and provides fraud protection #tReds
Online payment systems support tReds growth
Published 24.04.14 by Retail Technology
Shoe retailer puts best foot forward with selection of online payment management technology and services to support and secure its e-commerce business#Rugged Ways
Rugged Ways website climbs new heights
Published 22.06.11 by Retail Technology
Outdoor clothing and equipment retailer updates website and payment provider to expand business internationally#Co-op Food
ATM agreement between Cardtronics and Co-op Food
Published 10.09.14 by Retail Technology
Recently announced long-term agreement to cover nearly 2,000 ATMs in UK Co-op Food stores starting early 2016
#Retail Technology magazine
Retailers embrace mobile technology
Published 22.06.12 by Retail Technology
While more and more retailers are adopting mobile technologies and systems as part of both their internal and customer-facing operations, it seems as though consumer demand for shopping experiences enabled by mobile applications is outstripping the retail supply#Digital Stores
Digital Stores integrate Virtual Piggy
Published 13.02.13 by Retail Technology
Online spending service for children boosts music publishing e-commerce framework to attract responsible youth sales