Articles tagged #SMB
Found 4 matching articles.
Start-ups get card payments boost
Published 01.05.13 by Retail Technology
New all-in-one payment system lets small-to-midsized merchants, including those in the Crafty Fox Market, accept card payments face-to-face and over the phone#M-commerce
M-commerce remains subsidiary sales channel
Published 03.05.13 by Retail Technology
A survey carried out among SMB retailers has found 35% of m-commerce buyers were worried about security, while sales remain small#Credit
STUDY: Card payments support retailer's travels
Published 08.05.13 by Retail Technology
Southern Percussion is maximising the value of its face-to-face business with a pay-as-you-go card payment system that does not require hefty monthly fees#Staples
Staples first to retail Intuit Pay MPoS
Published 14.06.13 by Retail Technology
Intuit Pay mobile payment system debuts with office products retailer as small business card payment acceptance alternative