Articles tagged #SOCIAL NETWORKING
Found 6 matching articles.
Contact centres hold service key
Published 10.04.13 by Retail Technology
As customer service becomes a key differentiator, retail brands are demanding their call centres work even harder, according to contact centre technology expert, Joe Doyle in the next in a series of expert comment#Unilever
Unilever gets rapid social roll out
Published 21.05.13 by Retail Technology
Works with systems integrator to build digital social platform for global consumer marketing communications in three months#Activist
Why retailers need to IT to monitor NGOs
Published 22.05.13 by Retail Technology
The rise of activist organisations, in concert with the power of the internet and social networks, is forcing retailers to monitor their brands ever more closely according to expert Robert Blood#Young and Co.’s Brewery
Free Wi-Fi launched at Young’s and Geronimo Pubs
Published 19.07.13 by Retail Technology
Brewery signs public wireless communications deal in response to research showing consumer appetite for getting online#Economist
Report urges retail to get ready for 2022
Published 12.11.12 by Retail Technology
Predictions highlight changing global landscape where bricks and mortar stores evolve into interactive showrooms#Mega Monday
Mega Monday goes mobile and social
Published 04.12.12 by Retail Technology
The busiest online shopping day of the year underlines consumer trends towards emerging channels