Articles tagged #TAYLOR
Found 4 matching articles.
Are retailers prepared for the age of the individual?
Published 29.05.13 by Retail Technology
Given the unprecedented pace of change in the global marketplace, retail IT expert Sarah Taylor discusses how retailers need to adapt to individual customer demands to survive
#EU Consumer Rights Directive
New consumer rights legislation goes live
Published 13.06.14 by Retail Technology
The EU Consumer Rights Directive ushers in changes to cancellation, refunds and online ordering#Visibility
Bradshaw Taylor enjoys the real-time view
Published 07.06.22 by Retail Technology
Outdoor and country goods retailer Bradshaw Taylor is looking to respond quickly to customer demand with new real-time view#Realtime
Bradshaw Taylor shoots for real-time
Published 27.06.22 by Retail Technology
Outdoor and country goods retailer Bradshaw Taylor is benefitting from a new real-time view of its business