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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #TECH

Found 123 matching articles. Showing page 4 of 11.

#Retail Technology magazine

Balance tips in favour of mobile and cloud

Published 18.02.13 by Retail Technology
Internet-enabled technology disruption will continue to influence the retail IT landscape during the coming year, as online and mobile channels continue to cannibalise High Street sales, writes Retail Technology editor, Miya Knights
#Retail Technology magazine

The retail cost of money

Published 07.10.11 by Retail Technology
Accepting money, cards and now even mobile payments now involves every part of the business, from marketing a new loyalty of gift card scheme, and human resources to train staff in new processes, to finance and IT to provide the integration to existing store and online sales and payment systems
#Retail Technology magazine

Retailers urged to optimise back office IT

Published 17.12.11 by Retail Technology
The back office is an area ripe for optimisation in today's tough retailing environment according to the retail IT suppliers that Retail Technology canvassed

Women lead in supply chain and social IT

Published 19.03.13 by Retail Technology
A rising supply chain star and innovative social networking start-up leaders are among the winners announced in 2013 FDM everywoman in Technology Awards

Poundland upgrades to tablets in warehouse

Published 21.03.12 by Retail Technology
Tablet PC deployment replaces trolley-based system to boost warehouse productivity

NRF 2014: B&Q takes on omnichannel

Published 15.01.14 by Retail Technology
Love or loathe it, the term ‘omnichannel’ represents a force for major technology-driven change within ‘big box’ retailers like UK DIY giant B&Q, writes Miya Knights

UK online performance scores are in

Published 22.01.14 by Retail Technology
End-of-year retail site speed tests reveal winners and losers, while the cost of excessive third party tag usage on performance is called into question
#Retail Technology magazine

Retailers embrace mobile technology

Published 22.06.12 by Retail Technology
While more and more retailers are adopting mobile technologies and systems as part of both their internal and customer-facing operations, it seems as though consumer demand for shopping experiences enabled by mobile applications is outstripping the retail supply
#Retail Technology magazine

Carrying the torch for UK retail

Published 22.06.12 by Retail Technology
With only days to go until the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympics, news that retailers have been slashing prices as gloomy weather compounded the misery on the High Street will not be welcome
#Retail Technology magazine

Mobile and cloud demand new lines of defence

Published 11.03.13 by Retail Technology
This year’s annual Retail Technology loss prevention and security feature explores how the latest technologies revolutionising retail are creating new challenges as well as opportunities
#Teletext Holidays

Teletext Holidays moves to managed IT

Published 22.11.13 by Retail Technology
Online holiday company updates its IT infrastructure and networks with new outsourcing deal designed to save money and free up in-house IT to develop customer-facing systems
#Retail Technology magazine

Retailers revolutionise IT in their stores

Published 31.08.12 by Retail Technology
Industry experts and observers discuss the trend where consumer technologies are revolutionising instore retail environments