Articles tagged #THE EDGE
Found 4 matching articles.
#John Lewis
John Lewis selects Virtualstock
Published 16.03.17 by Retail Technology
Omnichannel retailer John Lewis has chosen a software partner to develop its Supplier Direct Channel#Currys PC World
Currys PC World adds new drop ship platform
Published 24.10.17 by Retail Technology
Dixons Carphone has announced a new deal that will rapidly expand the drop ship capabilities of its Currys PC World business#Legacy systems
Legacy systems: Time to reset?
Published 13.12.17 by Retail Technology
Legacy systems have become something of an obstacle for retailers seeking to become true omnichannel operators. So is it time to start over? Edward Osborne, director of retail sector at Virtualstock, explains the best route forward#CyberSecurity
Healthcare cyber security feature comes to retail
Published 21.08.20 by Retail Technology
A leading cyber security feature on a health platform used widely across the NHS is now available to retailers