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Ikea welcomes new insights

By Retail Technology | Monday November 12 2018

Global home furnishings retailer Ikea is benefitting from new digital insights after implementing new software

It partnered with ContentSquare to enable teams throughout its company to access insight at speed, as part of its business growth and customer strategy objectives. 

ContentSquare will help Ikea’s various teams to better understand online user behaviour, something that had proved challenging with their traditional analytics toolset. 

The content, sales, UX and customer teams all needed different insights on visitor behaviour, from identifying visitor frustration to measuring conversion, so Ikea needed a solution that met all of their individual requirements.

ContentSquare solved this challenge by providing all of Ikea’s teams with the ability to instantly see customer journeys on their site, across any date range, device and segment, via its user experience (UX) analytics solution. 

Behaviour patterns

The Ikea teams now have a better understanding of visitor behaviour online, and can action that understanding independently in a matter of minutes. 

They are also able to view a close to real-time picture of the performance of its site’s content across any page, section by section, to clearly detect and note different behaviour patterns.

Jason Black, web communications manager, Ikea said: “The benefits of using ContentSquare’s visual insight solution is that, without spending a lot of time or having a lot of training, we can easily access insights and results far more quickly than we’d been able to before.”

After implementation, ContentSquare’s solution unearthed a range of behavioural insights for IKEA that had not previously been discovered using traditional analytics tools. 

One example was IKEA identifying a number of customers trying to click through on certain images which were not clickable.

As soon as IKEA saw the ContentSquare metrics, the content team realised the business benefits to making small changes to those unclickable images.

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