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Articles tagged #AMAZON

Found 82 matching articles. Showing page 6 of 7.


Customer is still king

Published 15.09.20 by Carole Gilkes
While COVID-19 may have had a major impact on retail one thing remains truer than ever - customer is king. But how do you keep on top of evolving customer demands? By keeping touch with evolving technology explains Carole Gilkes, chief customer officer at K3 Business Technologies

A decade of digital disruption

Published 30.12.20 by Retail Technology
As 2020 comes to an end, how has technology helped evolve retail over the last 10 years? Mike Willoughby, CEO at PFS takes a look

Reaction as Amazon opens UK checkout-free store

Published 04.03.21 by Retail Technology
Amazon has opened its first checkout-free store outside of the US with a Fresh shop in Ealing, London

Hybrid hopes

Published 12.07.21 by Retail Technology
What is hybrid retail and how can retailers navigate a new post-pandemic landscape? Lysa Campbell, CEO of Retail Marketing Group, explains
#Point of sale

Future Retail View: Activating Omni POS in stores

Published 16.09.22 by Miya Knights, Publisher
Retail Technology speaks to Craig Summers, Manhattan Associates’ UK and Ireland managing director, to find out how point of sale can offer an omnichannel customer experience in physical stores

Amazon unveils next-gen drone

Published 17.11.22 by Retail Technology
Retail behemoth Amazon have announced plans for its next generation delivery drone: the MK30

Whole Foods Market turns to Amazon One

Published 21.07.23 by Retail Technology
US grocer chain Whole Foods Market is to implement Amazon One - Amazon Web Services’s palm recognition service for identification, payment, loyalty membership, and entry

Amazon opens new robotics fulfilment centre

Published 08.08.23 by Retail Technology
Retail giant Amazon has officially opening its new US state-of-the-art robotics fulfilment centre in Detroit

Amazon launches AI for listings

Published 17.09.23 by Retail Technology
Amazon is using the latest advancements in AI to dramatically improve the listing creation and management experience for sellers.

Amazon trials humanoid warehouse robots

Published 20.10.23 by Retail Technology
Retail giant Amazon is trialling humanoid robots at its US warehouses

Amazon drone deliveries coming to UK

Published 26.10.23 by Retail Technology
Amazon has announced it will start using drones to deliver parcels in the UK staring with a single currently unknown location at the end of next year

Amazon mobile shopping gets friendlier

Published 27.10.23 by Retail Technology
Amazon’s is testing a collaborative shopping feature called Consult-a-Friend