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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #COMMERCE

Found 675 matching articles. Showing page 3 of 57.


Retailers urged to personalise service

Published 03.05.13 by Retail Technology
Telecommunications expert Feilim Mackle discusses how retailers need to adopt a more personal approach to the customer journey to keep pace with 'Digital Britain'

M-commerce remains subsidiary sales channel

Published 03.05.13 by Retail Technology
A survey carried out among SMB retailers has found 35% of m-commerce buyers were worried about security, while sales remain small

Marie-Chantal puts faith in the cloud

Published 02.05.13 by Retail Technology
Exclusive children’s wear retailer invests in cloud-based retail management systems to support website sales and its international stores

Does e-retail require new merchandising capabilities?

Published 08.05.13 by Retail Technology
E-commerce experts, Adrian Gordon and Andrew Fowler, argue that segregated, 'best-of-breed' merchandising systems no longer make sense in today’s time-poor retail world

NetSuite reveals first multi-billion retail customer

Published 14.05.13 by Retail Technology
Cloud software company enables high-end American kitchen and homewares retailer to launch four different branded stores and e-commerce websites in record time

Asda launches self-scanning instore app

Published 14.05.13 by Retail Technology
Smartphone application enables customers to use own device to scan as they shop and also check out, saving time and generating valuable data for the supermarket retailer
#Lyle & Scott

Case study: web sales boost for Lyle & Scott

Published 30.06.14 by Retail Technology
The Scottish knitwear and golfing brand wanted to grow its online customer base and its revenue per visitor
#Quiz Clothing

Quiz Clothing drives multichannel appetite

Published 20.05.13 by Retail Technology
UK apparel brand moves into m-commerce with new app that extends multichannel strategy and offers customers an optimised mobile experience

Galaxy S4 enables NFC payments

Published 20.05.13 by Retail Technology
Samsung latest smartphone launch is a harbinger of things to come, according to retail revenue and business assurance expert, Ana Cunha

Why retailers need to IT to monitor NGOs

Published 22.05.13 by Retail Technology
The rise of activist organisations, in concert with the power of the internet and social networks, is forcing retailers to monitor their brands ever more closely according to expert Robert Blood
#L.K. Bennett

E-commerce investment boosts L.K. Bennett sales

Published 14.05.10 by Retail Technology
New QuickLive platform implementation leads to massive increase in net retail sales for luxury British fashion retailer

Reaping the benefits of online gift vouchers

Published 24.05.13 by Retail Technology
Online payments expert Justin Fraser says online retailers like La Tasca should learn from their offline competition by offering gift vouchers, but also warns to beware the security pitfalls