Articles tagged #COMMUNICATIONS
Found 69 matching articles. Showing page 3 of 6.
#Helly Hansen
STUDY: Helly Hansen updates communications
Published 17.12.13 by Retail Technology
Looking to find a new way of communicating led the clothing brand to adopt an interactive contact centre for Lync to drive its wholesale customer service journey#Christmas
The calm after the storm
Published 13.01.14 by Retail Technology
Carl Holmquist highlights how customer calls could offer local opportunities often overlooked by retailers, especially during such stormy weather and times#Communications
Mobilising retail and sales
Published 24.10.13 by Retail Technology
Diverse retailers, Shop Direct Group, Fenwick, Tesco, Adidas and Casino, are adopting mobile technologies for competitive and operational benefits, writes Glynn Davis of exclusively for Retail Technology #Specsavers
Specsavers goes to Google Apps
Published 27.01.11 by Retail Technology
Optical retail chain streamlines costs by entering cloud with specialist third-party provider#Bluetooth
Location-based marketing comes of age
Published 29.01.14 by Retail Technology
Bluetooth Smart - the technology behind beacons - offers the opportunity to revolutionise push marketing for retailers according to Special Interest Group#Customer service
Survey: Poor multichannel service costs custom
Published 30.01.14 by Retail Technology
Consumers express frustration when the service they receive does not take account of previous contact through another channel#Glossybox
Glossybox optimises global customer service
Published 12.02.14 by Retail Technology
The online beauty retailer partners over new customer contact centre systems in Europe, with plans to expand into China, Japan, Korea and the US #Dolittles
Dolittles saves with advanced signage
Published 15.02.11 by Retail Technology
New instore communications management is to save Northern retail specialist time and money#Dolittles
Dolittles revamps instore customer comms
Published 18.10.13 by Retail Technology
Adoption of enterprise store signage system streamlines customer communications, allowing pet and aquatic superstore to react quickly to price and product changes#Security
Funding fights rise of mobile app attacks
Published 26.02.14 by Retail Technology
New government funding aims to boost research into malicious apps that can infect users’ smartphones and target personal information and bank accounts#Asos
Asos enhances delivery services
Published 03.03.14 by Retail Technology
Online fashion giant works with fulfilment partner to use communications and tracking technologies to offer customers more flexible delivery options #Beacon
South Coast shopping centre adopts beacon tech
Published 18.03.14 by Retail Technology
Beacon technology introduced by Eastleigh's Swan Centre to deliver targeted promotions to instore customers and narrow gap between 'clicks and bricks'