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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #SI

Found 498 matching articles. Showing page 3 of 42.


Fighting coupon mis-redemption

Published 23.04.13 by Retail Technology
Brendan McKeown, voucher and coupon data management and financial clearing technology expert, highlights the benefits to retailers of adopting e-clearing

Retail remains big cyber-crime target

Published 25.04.13 by Retail Technology
Latest global data breach research suggests both small and large retail and hospitality operators could do still more to strengthen defences against loss and privacy infringements

Scoffs selects IBS EPoS systems

Published 26.04.13 by Retail Technology
Hospitality point-of-sale solution with ability to accommodate multiple sites is chosen for anticipated brand regional roll out

IMRG collaborates for safer shopping

Published 16.04.10 by Retail Technology
IMRG protects its Internet Shopping Is Safe (ISIS) brand online with SOLID from First Cyber Security to protect brand online

Morrisons specs up Nutmeg systems

Published 06.03.13 by Retail Technology
Leading supermarket retailer selects supply chain solution to facilitate new clothing venture being rolled out to its stores and a future online channel

STUDY: Restaurant fuses flavours with Android EPoS

Published 02.05.13 by Retail Technology
The Courtesan Dim Sum Bar, which recently opened to rave reviews, has gained flexible control over its diverse food and drinks menu using the latest till technology
#Eye tracking

Should retailers make use of eye-tracking technology?

Published 01.05.13 by Retail Technology
In the next of our series of ‘Ask the Expert’ columns, eye-tracking technology expert, Simon Griffin, argues those not looking at its potential benefits might be missing a trick

Retailers urged to personalise service

Published 03.05.13 by Retail Technology
Telecommunications expert Feilim Mackle discusses how retailers need to adopt a more personal approach to the customer journey to keep pace with 'Digital Britain'

STUDY: Courtaulds updates warehousing

Published 07.05.13 by Retail Technology
UK apparel brand owner reveals greater stock accuracy, more efficiencies and better customer Service with new warehouse management system

Industry urged to plan for multichannel

Published 30.04.13 by Retail Technology
Increased mobility and multichannel shopping raises the stakes in retail today, say top retail executives at TXT Thinking Retail! event

STUDY: Card payments support retailer's travels

Published 08.05.13 by Retail Technology
Southern Percussion is maximising the value of its face-to-face business with a pay-as-you-go card payment system that does not require hefty monthly fees

Does e-retail require new merchandising capabilities?

Published 08.05.13 by Retail Technology
E-commerce experts, Adrian Gordon and Andrew Fowler, argue that segregated, 'best-of-breed' merchandising systems no longer make sense in today’s time-poor retail world