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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #VAT

Found 41 matching articles. Showing page 1 of 4.


Top 10 mobile technologies to watch

Published 26.03.10 by Retail Technology
Gartner outlines future wireless trends and predicts investments in mobile applications are set to increase during the next two years

New event to showcase wearable technology

Published 12.02.14 by Retail Technology
London is set to play host to the fast emerging area of development with Europe's biggest wearable technology event

Retail tech show announces 2014 plans

Published 14.05.13 by Retail Technology
Retail Business Technology Expo 2014 aims to stake its claim as the leading European Retail event with a number of planned developments
#Supply chain

Supply chains fit for e-commerce growth

Published 31.05.13 by Retail Technology
The rise of multichannel selling is also placing new demands on retail supply chains, according to supply chain specialist Markus Schmücker
#Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters plans iPod Touch MPoS app

Published 30.06.10 by Retail Technology
US retailer selects Starmount to develop mobile point-of-sale application using the iPod Touch

Retail readies for start-up investor forum

Published 20.08.13 by Retail Technology
RETAIL 20:20 event will showcase the UK’s dominant position in online retail innovation with the first investor forum
#High Street

Independent retailers fear rise of online sales

Published 06.09.13 by Retail Technology
Rise of 'showrooming' trend leads smaller High Street retailers to see the internet as a threat that requires an online sales tax

Treasury vetoes calls for online sales tax

Published 20.08.13 by Retail Technology
Government quashes hopes of measures to level offline playing field after retail bosses warn of online impact on industry

RBTE partners for Innovation Theatre

Published 08.11.13 by Retail Technology
Retail technology business accelerator adds to roster of trade show sponsors and ups the 'wow' factor with new-look Retail Innovation Theatre

Selfridges displays futuristic experiences

Published 16.01.14 by Retail Technology
High concept campaign offers augmented and virtual reality experiences using state-of-the-art 3D tracking and wearable technologies to showcase superyachts and watches

Roundtable tackles cross-border challenges

Published 18.10.13 by Retail Technology
Event gathers e-commerce and finance experts to discuss tax compliance, reconciliation and returns issues faced by e-commerce businesses within the EU
#The Reject Shop

The Reject Shop turns to predictive simulation

Published 25.02.14 by Retail Technology
Australian retailer refines distribution processes and improves pallet management by 15% with analysis carried out using a predictive simulation platform