Articles tagged #WORLDPAY
Found 7 matching articles.
STUDY: Card payments support retailer's travels
Published 08.05.13 by Retail Technology
Southern Percussion is maximising the value of its face-to-face business with a pay-as-you-go card payment system that does not require hefty monthly fees#Lidl
Lidl launches contactless across UK estate
Published 23.08.13 by Retail Technology
High Street grocer reveals 600-store roll out as provider's contactless transactions break four million barrier for first time#International
UK retail embraces sales from China
Published 22.10.13 by Retail Technology
China’s consumers are boosting UK retail sales leading payments expert Geoffrey Barraclough to urge retailers to capitalise on their increased spending power#Boots
Boots UK completes contactless roll out
Published 31.10.13 by Retail Technology
Health and beauty retailer adds to High Street chains committing to offer customer rapid mobile micropayment technology at its points of sale
Minding fraud and security risks
Published 12.03.12 by Retail Technology
A proliferation of technology-enabled options has become available to retailers wanting to make it easy as possible for their customers to buy from or communicate with them since Retail Technology magazine first started looking at the areas of loss prevention and security in an annual report#Supernova
Supernova fit for global business
Published 14.05.18 by Retail Technology
Health, beauty and fitness products retailer Supernova is enjoying success with new payments software designed to aid cross-border business#Worldpay
Contactless overtakes Chip and Pin in UK
Published 18.10.18 by Retail Technology
Worldpay figures have revealed that contactless transactions have overtaken chip and pin payments for the first time in the UK