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Retail Technology

Articles tagged #BO

Found 288 matching articles. Showing page 14 of 24.


Amazon to add VR apparel changing?

Published 09.10.17 by Retail Technology
Amazon has acquired a company whose software could be used to enable customers to virtually try on clothes
#Carrefour Group

CASE STUDY: Carrefour Group harmonises cross-border payments

Published 16.11.17 by Retail Technology
Carrefour Group�s payments subsidiary Market Pay has harmonised the retailer�s cross-border payments across 30 countries and 11,500 stores
#House of Dagmar

House of Dagmar releases new app

Published 22.11.17 by Retail Technology
Swedish fashion brand House of Dagmar has launched its new mobile app on the App Store and Google Play.

A cross-border Christmas

Published 29.11.17 by Retail Technology
The pressure is on for online retailers to take their slice of the yuletide pie. But is UK retail doing all it can to maximise cross-border ecommerce sales this holiday season? Global-e co-founder and CMO Nir Debbi explains

CASE STUDY: Waitrose gets personal for success

Published 19.12.17 by Retail Technology
In 2015, Waitrose turned to new software to improve the way it engaged with in-store customers – a move which ultimately opened up a powerful marketing channel

CASE STUDY: Mobile technology boosts BlackwellÂ’s

Published 24.01.18 by Retail Technology
Academic books retailer BlackwellÂ’s has seen a significant rise in sales after introducing a raft of new technologies including tablet computers and mobile POS devices
#Paul’s Boutique

New software brings global success to PaulÂ’s

Published 12.02.18 by Retail Technology
Iconic handbag designer and retailer PaulÂ’s Boutique has seen a significant upturn in international business after implementing cross-border ecommerce software

Wayfair using new 3D Facebook feature

Published 22.02.18 by Retail Technology
Home furnishing retailer Wayfair is taking advantage of FacebookÂ’s new 3D posting feature

CASE STUDY: Buyagift seeing clear benefits with new software

Published 16.04.18 by Retail Technology
Gifts retailer Buyagift is now benefitting from having one clear view of its company performance across all channels due to implementing new software

PayPoint and Booker announce agreement

Published 17.04.18 by Retail Technology
A new agreement will provide retailers who shop with food wholesale operator Booker with back office links for the PayPoint One retail services platform

Chatbots – not just for customers

Published 18.04.18 by Retail Technology
Chatbots are growing in popularity throughout retail but are they just for customers? Parham Saebi, head of client services at Arvato UK & Ireland, believes they have just as vital a role in supporting retail staff too

Sneeboer spreads roots with payments software

Published 08.06.18 by Retail Technology
Gardening tools manufacturer and online supplier Sneeboer has gone global with new international payments software