Articles tagged #PRIVACY
Found 9 matching articles.
Retail remains big cyber-crime target
Published 25.04.13 by Retail Technology
Latest global data breach research suggests both small and large retail and hospitality operators could do still more to strengthen defences against loss and privacy infringements#Data
Consumer trust plummets to 10-year low
Published 09.12.13 by Retail Technology
New research finds only 9% of consumers have faith in brands to keep their data secure in the wake of a number of recent privacy and security scandals#Mobile
ICO warns on mobile app downloads
Published 19.12.13 by Retail Technology
UK data and privacy watchdog issues warning to consumers about the need for caution about the use of their personal information when downloading mobile apps this Christmas#Customer
2014 – A year for rebuilding trust
Published 08.01.14 by Retail Technology
Customer service expert calls on organisations to recognise how technology is empowering consumers and most effective when increasing service levels and convenience#Payments
PayPal and Samsung target biometric payments
Published 26.02.14 by Retail Technology
Partnership expanded to capitalise on biometric features of latest smartphone launch and offer alternative secure payments to users#Survey
Retailers risking BYOD IT security
Published 11.10.13 by Retail Technology
A quarter of larger organisations allow employees to use personal devices without a security policy in place, risking data governance and privacy#GDPR
Companies underprepared for GDPR
Published 30.04.18 by Retail Technology
A new survey paints a worrying picture of business readiness for Global Data Protection Regulation Compliance (GDPR)#biometrics
The authentication silver bullet
Published 08.04.20 by Retail Technology
Data privacy is high on the global agenda but what is the best solution to ensuring consumer privacy? Biometrics is the key argues Jonas Andersson, head of standardisation at Fingerprints#Marketing
Embracing marketing mix modelling in the era of cookies deprecation
Published 11.04.24 by Elisa Pogliano, Hen’s Milk Principal Consultant
As the digital marketing landscape undergoes seismic shifts due to privacy updates like iOS 14 and the impending deprecation of third-party cookies, marketing consultant Elisa Pogliano examines why retailers are left grappling with the evolving challenges of attribution and analytics.