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Ocado using new integrated live chat software

By Retail Technology | Monday November 19 2018

Online grocer Ocado is blazing a trail as one of the first companies trying out a new integrated social, live chat and CRM ecosystem

The retailer is now using Orlo’s first-of-its-kind integration between social media and live chat management, enabling brands to move seamlessly across multiple online conversations and channels.

This CRM integration also means that conversations and data are linked, not lost, thus enhancing customer understanding, satisfaction and value. 

Internally, it also helps customer service and marketing teams to work in tandem, producing a better digital experience for the customer by breaking down internal silos in favour of a single, powerful ecosystem.  

Ian Pattle, GM at Ocado, explained: “Orlo’s integrated platform creates efficiencies between our social media and webchat teams, while also allowing our customer service teams more flexibility.”

Response times

The efficiencies created within Ocado’s customer service team by using Orlo also means its customers see quicker response times - a key element of customer satisfaction.

According to the Harvard Business Review, emotional connections between brands and customers are more than twice as valuable as even highly-satisfied customers, and points to a link between improving customers’ emotional experiences and driving significant improvements in financial outcome - with 95% of purchase-making decisions being driven subconsciously by emotion.

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