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Articles tagged #US

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Contact centres hold service key

Published 10.04.13 by Retail Technology
As customer service becomes a key differentiator, retail brands are demanding their call centres work even harder, according to contact centre technology expert, Joe Doyle in the next in a series of expert comment

Store retailers drive customer experience focus

Published 16.04.13 by Retail Technology
Business blogger, Megan Webb-Morgan argues the importance of technology in helping retail brands focus on customer experience as a differentiator

Retailers to share eco-tech know

Published 16.04.13 by Retail Technology
Eco Technology Show seminar and conference programmes attract industry leaders to present best-practice strategic insight, including Kingfisher and IKEA UK

Poor service loses UK e-retail £20bn

Published 12.04.13 by Retail Technology
Rude, slow and sloppy online responses affect 65% of online shoppers according to survey carried out by online customer helpdesk provider for small-to-midsized businesses
#Customer service

UK consumers expect ‘bricks and clicks’ integration

Published 19.04.13 by Retail Technology
New survey finds customers are seeking consistency, not complications, and reveals their pet peeves from interactions across the platforms and locations of retail brands

UK stores fail to offer free Wi-Fi

Published 19.04.13 by Retail Technology
A new survey has found, despite a number of retail and hospitality companies taking the lead, the majority of major UK retailers do not offer free instore Wi-Fi

E-retailers ignore false ‘lost goods’ claims

Published 22.04.13 by Retail Technology
New research finds most online retailers see fraud associated with ‘goods lost in transit’ as threat but don’t have strategy to deal with problem
#North Face

The North Face offers experiential rewards

Published 23.04.13 by Retail Technology
VIPeak aims to give outdoor clothing brand’s customers rewards beyond the shopping experience to increase levels of engagement and insight

Retail remains big cyber-crime target

Published 25.04.13 by Retail Technology
Latest global data breach research suggests both small and large retail and hospitality operators could do still more to strengthen defences against loss and privacy infringements

Mulberry bags supply chain IT for business growth

Published 13.04.10 by Retail Technology
Luxury UK brand improves efficiency and supports business growth with new systems in IT-enabled warehouse

SURVEY: 21% of retailers’ deliveries fail

Published 29.04.13 by Retail Technology
Industry poll reveals each delivery or appointment failure costs £151, while 43% say ‘lack of notification about delays’ are a problem
#Richer Sounds

Richer Sounds enriches online customer experience

Published 26.04.13 by Retail Technology
Multichannel retailer updates customer experience offered online using web analytics information to refine proposition and boost satisfaction and sales