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Retail Technology

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The inclusive customer offer

Published 14.11.17 by Retail Technology
Joanne Turner, head of marketing at queue management specialist Tensator, on why retailers should line up to provide an inclusive customer journey

Brexit: IOT to the rescue?

Published 09.11.17 by Retail Technology
Can technology provide a solution to post-Brexit retail supply chains issues? Malcolm Dowden, legal director, and Ted Claypoole, partner, at transatlantic law firm Womble Bond Dickinson think so

The age of personalisation

Published 08.11.17 by Retail Technology
For retailers, this is truly the age of personalisation but what are the challenges and opportunities to getting closer to your customers? Paul Fennemore, C-Suite Level digital marketing and customer experience consultant for Sitecore, explains

Reality or fantasy? The power of AR in retail

Published 23.10.17 by Retail Technology
Augmented Reality or AR is becoming more and more popular in retail but how far can it go? Malcolm Fogarty, global digital and innovation director at tcc global and managing director of Gametation, explains the ongoing power of AR in retail

Generation “I see it, I want it”

Published 19.10.17 by Retail Technology
Sarah Flannery, head of display & paid social at Forward3D, outlines how tech is transforming fashion for the age of the “I see it, I want it” consumer

The new customer reality

Published 04.10.17 by Retail Technology
How important is customer interaction to modern retailers and what role can new technology play in this? Andreas Hassellöf, founder of Ombori Group, explains

Happy returns?

Published 28.09.17 by Retail Technology
The returns epidemic is one of the biggest concerns facing retailers so what can be done about it? Dean Frew, CTO & SVP RFID Solutions at SML Group, offers a solution

Avoiding the cost of downtime

Published 20.09.17 by Retail Technology
With technology now such an intrinsic part of successful retail just how costly has downtime become and how can it be mitigated? Claudine Mosseri, group services director for ByBox, explains
#iPhone 8

The new iOpportunity

Published 13.09.17 by Retail Technology
Apple’s latest iPhone has launched to a predictable fanfare but what opportunities does it offer for tomorrow’s retailer? Tim Brooks, principal for digital initiatives and retail analytics at World Wide Technology, explains
#Customer experience

Experience is key

Published 06.09.17 by Retail Technology
Customer experience (CX) is essential to the success of any modern retail company but what role does technology play in this? VoiceSage’s John Duffy explains
#Christmas shopping

Scaling peaks

Published 22.08.17 by Retail Technology
Black Friday, Easter, Valentine’s Day and Christmas represent the biggest sales opportunities of the year for many retailers; but how many SMEs really look forward to the peak trading time? Mike Cockfield, MD, Khaos Control, reveals how to look forward with delight not dread

Connecting with the iGeneration

Published 18.08.17 by Retail Technology
While retailers are focussing on millennials are they missing out on reaching the increasingly crucial always connected iGeneration? Taptica strategic partnership lead Amit Dar thinks so and reveals how to reach them

Time to experiment

Published 17.08.17 by Retail Technology
Are retailers playing it too safe in the modern age? Marie Despringhere at Optimizely says experimentation is essential to boost revenue
#Customer experience

The customer experience blueprint

Published 09.08.17 by Retail Technology
In today’s digital age a great customer experience (CX) is paramount for the future growth and bottom line of any retailer. VoiceSage’s John Duffy explains how retailers are using technology to ensure CX meets or surpasses customer expectations
#Cyber security

Selling security

Published 01.08.17 by Retail Technology
Modern retailers are more a risk than ever from hackers and security breaches due to the immense flow of customer data into organisations. Derek O’Carroll, CEO of Brightpearl, discusses the risks and staying safe

Prime movers

Published 25.07.17 by Retail Technology
Hot off another big Prime Day, ICLP general manager Jason De Winne looks at how Amazon uses their latest consumer technology to build a deeper bond with customers

Putting the AI in retail

Published 05.07.17 by Retail Technology
We hear a lot about AI and retail but just how much potential does it have to change industry? Matthew Robertson, Co-CEO of NetDespatch, takes a look

Happy birthday iPhone

Published 04.07.17 by Retail Technology
The iPhone is a decade old but what has been its true effect on consumers and what may the future hold? Matthew Knight, head of strategic innovation at media agency Carat, provides some answers
#Big Data

Getting personal with big data

Published 28.06.17 by Retail Technology
James Blake, CEO at Hello Soda, on why personalisation through big data is now essential to retail success

The ecommerce minefield

Published 19.05.17 by Retail Technology
Redesigning ecommerce is a tricky business to get right but what are the major pitfalls to avoid? Giles Colbourne, CEO of cxpartners, takes us the through the major fails for retailers to avoid